The Beginning.

So... a game page as been made. (psst, there's also a sister page on Game Jolt, go follow that too)

I must admit, this is really nerve-wracking! Whenever you put something out online, it's sort of a promise that you're going to follow through with it, and there are suddenly even just one set of eyes staring back at you! Being online tends to make us blind to things like that, but even ten people staring at your project is tough! that being said, I will endeavour to do my best and deliver a game (eventually) that I hope you can all enjoy!

What can I say for a first devlog? Things are proceeding as smoothly as they can with my skeleton crew of me, myself and I!

  • The save system is near enough complete (which is a big thing to be said for a game that's inspired by Undertale)
  • The battle system is being tackled (and I am being tackled right back in return)
  • The dialogue has been overhauled and works almost flawlessly (with a few graphical issues I'm working to fix)

and I'm overcome by the crippling fear of 'what if'! Oh well, nothing to be done about it now!

I hope things proceed as smoothly as possible in the future, for your and my sakes!

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